Socially responsible business
Abiding laws and appreciating customers’ right for good and high-quality product is the main priority of our company which establishes us as a responsible community member.
We believe that business success and sustainable development cannot be set apart, so responsibility and ethics are at the main core of our business strategy. From the very beginning our goal was to become reliable partner to our employees, business associates, suppliers and whole community with special regards to environment protection. As a corporation, we are aware of our influence and we take the responsibility for our actions. This influence establishes us as a generator of positive social changes thus increasing the quality of life in our community.
Solana ltd, as a part of a local community, is aware of importance and need to improve general social situation by promoting the values we believe in and by investing its profit in that community. Besides common donations, we also have sponsorships in various sectors, especially sports.
Solana Jsc is active participant and organiser of numerous charity events while it constantly supports several organizations that help people in need.
We contribute to our community through many projects and initiatives. We believe that corporate responsibility can help company’s success in many ways.

Solana Jsc recognizes its responsibilities to partners and that is why we are respectful to business codex and contract obligations. We build success through synergy and trust, and our success shows that we are reliable business partner.
Our business success and sustainability are directly connected to wellbeing of our employees who represent the biggest company’s value. Character of our company and ability to create supportive working environment are determined by integrity and honesty of our employees. We try to do our business in responsible, decent and ethical way.
We invest in opportunities for our employees to develop and advance because we are fully aware that development in career offers more quality workers to our company.
Gaining new knowledge and skills through personal development is a guarantee of business success. We are aware of that fact and that is why we continually encourage our employees to start courses, trainings or specializations and participate in conferences.

We are constantly striving to find innovative ways of reducing energy consumption, removing waste and reusing the materials so we would create sustainable growth and protect our environment. System of environment protection is based on well-planned and economic use of natural resources by using ecologically acceptable technologies in production processes while reducing waste production and energy loss.